Anastasia Panina is a Russian theater and film actress, known for her TV series Hope as Evidence of Life, Dirty Work, Collectors, Beekeepers, the films Rock Climber and the Last of the Seventh Cradle. Two in the Rain and others.
Short biography of Anastasia Panina
Anastasia was born into the family of a miner and a poultry farm employee on January 15, 1983 in the small town of Severo-Zadonsk, Tula Region. “Neither my parents, nor the parents of my parents had anything to do with the acting profession. But dad is a real creative person, a musical person: he always sang in an ensemble, played the guitar, ”says Anastasia.
As a child, Panina, following the example of her older sister, began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. By the age of 13, the girl became a candidate for master of sports. But did not associate her professional future with sports. “Rhythmic gymnastics gave me a certain way of expressing myself, comparing myself with the world, distributing my body in space, the will to win, the desire to set goals and achieve them,” the actress recalls.
After graduation, the girl seriously thought about who she wanted to be. The search for herself brought the provincial to Moscow. Anastasia did not even think about becoming an actress. “I just came, not knowing what I’m going to do here…” Panina admits. – Friends appeared, who, moreover, turned out to be from my city, their own company was formed. We had a really great time. There was a whole year of idleness as such. Cognition of the city, life, yourself ”.
Film debut

Reckless life was changed by a lucky chance. Once a relative of Panina handed her a newspaper with an announcement about the recruitment of boys and girls for the TV series “Poor Nastya” with the words: “Go, I liked the name, your name is also Nastya.” Panina was incredibly lucky: at the casting, the tall blue-eyed blonde attracted the producers so much that they decided to teach her. For several months she learned the basics of dramatic art and was approved for a role in this ambitious series. But, at the same time, the teachers offered the girl to enter the Moscow Art Theater School – then the course was recruited by the famous Roman Kozak. “They took me on the budget, then on September 1 they put me before a choice: either to study or to act. Naturally, there could be no other choice. I stayed to study, ”says Panina.

Panina does not regret at all that she never got into Poor Nastya. She began acting in films already from the second year – when the teachers were “released”. The first role turned out to be serious – Anastasia played Lyubov Shevtsova. One of the activists of the anti-fascist organization Young Guard. In the film The Last Confession (2006). The second role in the movie followed the next year – Anastasia Panina played the main character in Oleg Shtrom’s action movie “Rock Climber and the Last of the Seventh Cradle” (2007), beating four hundred candidates for this role. In this mystical film about the secrets of civilization, Anastasia worked in an acting duet with the popular Dmitry Nagiyev.
Personal life
In the same year, Panina performed the leading role in the love drama Beautiful Elena (2007). This was followed by work in the series “Hope as evidence of life” (2008), “Semin” (2009). The films “Two in the rain” (2008), “Bride to order” (2008), “Why did you leave?” (2008), “White steam locomotive” (2009) and others. The appearance of the “girl from the neighboring yard”, coupled with her talent, made Anastasia Panina a very popular actress in Russian cinema.
After graduation, Panina was admitted to the troupe of the Theater named after A.S. Pushkin. “I am grateful to fate that it all happened … in a fabulous way. It means that it was not just like that … I like that I climb myself: no one brings me roles on a saucer, ”Panina admits.
She married a colleague Vladimir Zherebtsov, and at the age of 27 she became a mother – gave birth to a daughter.