“After the storm. Mary-Khovi “- a picture painted by Ivan Shishkin in 1891. The artist depicted the coast after a storm. In the foreground there is a sandy shore, covered with large stones and large pebbles, in the far – mighty conifers and a gloomy sky. In the lower left part of the landscape, powerful spruce legs cover the yellow sand, and a pine tree, torn from the ground by its roots and thrown off a cliff by a strong gust of wind, is leaning against the hillside. The sea has already calmed down and rolled back its heavy waves, but on the shore between the boulders, the remains of the water can still be seen. The sun’s rays are already breaking through the gray thunderclouds, reminding the viewer that after every storm, even the strongest, there is always a calm.
Painting “After the Storm. Mary-Khovi “by Ivan Shishkin – the beauty of northern nature in the style of realism
Ivan Shishkin is a famous Russian master of the landscape genre who worked in the 19th century. The painter, with photographic precision, transferred to the canvas individual fragments of the surrounding world, carefully tracing all the details – the thinnest branches, blades of grass, pebbles.
The painting “After the Storm. Mary-Howie “the master performed in his usual manner, tending to the scrupulousness and truthfulness of realism. Despite the fact that the landscape reflects the nature of the harsh northern region, the master made it in a very warm and cozy range.
Ivan Shishkin painted a picture while vacationing at the Mary-Hovi estate, located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland and owned by the artist’s son-in-law Boris Ridinger. Shishkin loved leisurely walks around the neighborhood, during which he made sketches for future masterpieces. The estate has not survived to this day – it burned to the ground during the Second World War. The work “After the Storm. Mary-Hovi “, also known under the alternative name” After the storm in Mary-Hovi “, is exhibited at the Lviv National Art Gallery.