When they say “quilt”, or “patchwork” many still imagine grandmother’s colorful patchwork blankets, collected over many years. However, modern masters of Russian Patchwork create such textile masterpieces that successfully participate at the international exhibitions of folk art, exposed in museums, bought by private collectors. At the beginning of XX century patchwork collage attracted the attention of avant-garde artists and futurists engaged in the search for new means of expression. After the revolution, this type of sewing was not included in the list of state-supported forms of decorative and applied arts. Later Russian Patchwork was a sign of poverty, a reminder of a period of war and devastation experienced by Russia. Interest in this type of decorative art was revived in the 90s of XX century.

Russia has long been on the prudent use of common fabric produced at home (to the XVIII century in the country mainly used hand-loom fabrics). It is known that in the XVII century in the medium of Old Believers used rag rugs, called “hand assistant”. These rugs symbolically portrayed nine ranks of angels.
Russian patchwork masters traditionally used Ivanovo cotton. Such blanket – an indispensable attribute of Russian peasant house decoration, where comfort was created by the talented female hand. Beautifully made quilt blankets were made not only for interior decoration, they were in practical use, making the coldest night warm. When parents collected the bride’s dowry, they didn’t forget to add quilt. Baby blanket was carefully sewed.

Harmonious combination of fabrics of different color and geometric solutions can achieve unique flavor. Its diversity and multicolored patchwork things attract our attention. They are applicable for decoration kitchen, bedroom (napkins, potholders hot, tablecloths, pillowcases, comforters, blankets) or living room (decorative panel) . As accessories (smart bag, purse) or clothing (elegant summer suit or quilted vest).

It was not only common interests, but also a distinct genre of decorative art. In Russia every two years (since 1997) is held Festival “Russian Patchwork Mosaic”, which demonstrates the talents of patchwork artists. From 18 December 2013 to 22 February 2014 in the exhibition hall of folk art (Ivanovo) works anniversary exhibition of folk club studio ‘Patchwork Mosaic’.