Soviet actress Alla Larionova was recognized the most beautiful actress in the USSR. Biographies of many famous actors are often very tragic – failures in their personal life, alcoholism, betrayal of loved ones, death in poverty. But there are some happy exceptions – and the example of this life is a beautiful woman and actress Alla Larionova, beloved wife of the most popular in the Soviet Union actor Nikolai Rybnikov. Alla Larionova was born on February 19, 1931 in Moscow. In 1941 the war broke out, her father went to the front as a volunteer, and the girl with her mother were in evacuation in the Tatar city of Menzelinsk. Like many of her age, Alla often performed in a hospital, reciting poems in front of wounded patients.
The difficult war years ended, and the fate was favorable to Alla – her whole family gathered together, all were alive. Comparing to others, it was a real miracle. Alla was spotted by the assistant director, who begged Alla’s mother to let her go to the movies, but her mother did not agree. Alla grew prettier, and the fate led her to the cinema. It all happened once more, like a fairy tale – a man came up to her on the street and she said, ‘ Girl, do you want to be in the movies?” Having been at the studio and starring in the first cameo, Alla realized that only she wanted – to act in films.
The beautiful girl was often invited to small roles, and after finishing school Alla filed documents to GITIS – the Institute of Cinematography. Alla soon became the most beautiful girl on the course, and then became the belle of the cinema.
During her studies at the Institute of Cinematography Alla was offered to play her first starring role. Russian statuesque beauty like no one suited for the role in the film of Alexander Ptushko “Sadko”. The film had a great success, Larionova’s name was on everyone’s lips, she was immediately surrounded by a crowd of fans. Soon another joyous event – “Sadko” film crew was invited to the Venice Film Festival in Italy.
Alla’s biggest shock caused stockings shops. “I even cried – she said later – I have never had such luxurious outfits, which western film stars had”. But, despite the poverty, our girls hit the West. Newspapers wrote about Larionova “The most beautiful actress”, “the Sun of Venice in her hair (about Alla)”. Famous directors attacked Larionova with invitations to shoot, but she was forced to deny everything. After that she was not allowed to leave the country for a long time.
Alla returned home with a heavy heart, but here a surprise was waiting for her – she was invited to star in the film “Anna on the Neck”, based on a story by Chekhov. The role of a young beauty, who knew how to benefit from her beauty, brought to Larionova real success.
Crowds of fans chased her, but the film star still lived in a modest communal flat with her parents. But this success has played a negative role in the career of Larionova. Among her admirers was the Minister of Culture, whose courting the actress firmly rejected. And as a result – a ban on shooting. Only after the appointment of a new minister Larionova began to act in films.

In addition to creative success, Larionova had a personal life that all women of the USSR were jealous of. Her husband was Nikolai Rybnikov, the dream of millions of girls’ hearts. They met while studying at the Institute of Cinematography , but then Rybnikov was fascinated by another girl. Larionova wrote: “I cried into my pillow at night, because he didn’t notice me. Then I calmed down, and Nikolai, by contrast, caught fire”.
Rybnikov suffered, losing weight, sent telegrams to her. “And no matter where I was – abroad, on a distant farm. in Polesje forests – every time I received from him a short telegram: “I love you. Completely. I drink your health”. He called and always said the same thing: “Alla, remember I love you …”.
They married January 2, 1957. Just at that time, was released the film “Height”, where Rybnikov starred, and on the premiere of the film they appeared together. A hall burst into applause.

Their life was like a fairy tale. Together they lived 33 years, raised two daughters. When Larionova was asked if she did not regret her choice, she replied: “In my life I had a lot of situations and suggestions. But I have no regrets. Rybnikov is a great person … And most importantly, loves me. Just imagine, to the Moscow film festival came Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida … And I just gave birth, looked bad at home in my shabby coat. I said to him: “Kolya, go to the festival, there are such beautiful women there!”. And he said: ” Are you, crazy? You’re the best!”. I have always been the best for him. In general, he was a wonderful husband, a loving and caring father”.
Nikolai Rybnikov died on October 22, 1990. Alla Larionov survived her husband by 10 years. She died on April 25, 2000, in her sleep. She was buried on Troyekurovskoye Cemetery next to her husband.