The Trinity Cathedral rises, built by the architect Osip Ivanovich Bove. Bove’s creations in Moscow the Bolshoi Theater, the Manege, the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow (Bolshaya Ordynka St., 20), etc.
The Trinity Cathedral in Podolsk is made in the Empire style and was built with donations for 13 years (1819-1832). The completion of construction and the consecration of the cathedral coincided with the 20th anniversary of the victory over Napoleon.
The Trinity Cathedral is five-domed (the only one among the temples in the southern suburbs), with a 3-tiered bell tower (new bells were cast in 2007 and the largest bell weighs 6 tons).
The cathedral has 3 aisles: the Holy Trinity (main), the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (northern) and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (southern).

One of the main shrines of the temple is the Jerusalem icon of the Mother of God.
In 1866, there was an epidemic of cholera in Russia, and on the initiative of Archpriest Nikolai Vasilyevich Kosminkov, this icon was transported from Bronnitsy to Podolsk, where it saved residents from illness. After the procession in Podolsk with the miraculous icon, the epidemic began to decline. In Soviet times, the silver setting of the icon was lost, and in 2010 a new one was made.

In the Trinity Cathedral in Podolsk, you can bow to the relics of 140 saints.
The Cathedral has a Sunday School, founded in 1991, as well as a church singing school. In 2007, a church for the baptism of adults was set up in the parable house.

Monument-obelisk to the grenadiers of Miloradovich
In the fall of 1912, a monument-obelisk to Miloradovich’s grenadiers was erected on Cathedral Square near the Trinity Cathedral. Russian General Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich is one of the students of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. For special services M.A. Miloradovich was awarded the title of General, who is at the Person of His Majesty and was the first to receive the right to wear the monogram of Emperor Alexander I on epaulets.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1812, the Tarutinsky maneuver took place in these places. After the capture of Moscow by the French, the Russian army retreated to the village of Tarutino in order to occupy the roads to Tula and Kaluga, along which Napoleon could move back.
Miloradovich’s grenadiers fought under his command and died in battle near Podolsk. The obelisk monument is a pyramid with the coat of arms of Alexander I on top and 8 pyramidal pedestals connected by chains.
During the years of Soviet power, the monument was converted into a monument to Karl Marx, and only in the 90s. XX century monument-obelisk to the grenadiers of Miloradovich was restored.