Village Shanevo by Anatoly Kudryavtsev. Anatoly calls the village Shanevo “birthplace of my illusions and dreams”, the village and its inhabitants live in the imagination of the artist. Russian artist Anatoly Kudryavtsev was born in St. Petersburg (former Leningrad). He graduated from the Academy of Arts named after Repin, there he defended his thesis on space pictures “Linear perspective in the works of artists of the Italian Renaissance”. Anatoly Kudryavtsev paints and draws with different media: Indian ink, pastels, tempera, and gouache. Anatoly Kudryavtsev has exhibited his art since 1987, first in Russia, then abroad – in Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, USA.
The world of artist Anatoly Kudryavtsev is metaphysical, filled with meaning. It reflected the classic archetypes of biblical Tower of the Apostles; theme game, masquerade, mirror reflections. In his work normal subjects acquire magical properties, embodying the idea that the eternal quest for higher spiritual principles, mystery and poetry of everyday human life on earth.
Anatoly Kudryavtsev says about himself “My ancestors were priests, church elders, farmers, Counts Levashov – and only in the blood of one was passion for drawing. Great-great-grandfather was a dauber, in the mid-19th century, he painted the church in Ostashkovo, but during the war it was destroyed by the Germans. But miraculously survived icon, made in his workshop – and it hangs in front of me”.
“Mom and dad did not know how to draw, and probably still feeling my unconscious need for the fine arts, they took me to the Hermitage and the Russian Museum. My childish imagination was struck by Aivazovsky, and I was especially fascinated by the power drawn by the green wave that was ready to fall on the audience and entice them into their depths”.
other pictures of the artist