Picture of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy

Picture of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy by Viktor Matorin
Picture of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy by Viktor Matorin

Viktor Viktorovich Matorin (born in Penza in 1971)- contemporary Russian artist. In 2000, he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Among his works are many landscapes, still lifes, portraits. But the artist’s creative personality was most clearly manifested in the genre of historical paintings. In the painting Dmitry Donskoy, you can see a historical character against the background of the Kremlin walls and white-stone churches under construction. Dmitry Donskoy of all the Russian rulers who ever ruled on our land, was considered the most just. After the death of his father in 1359, he became the Prince of Moscow, and from 1363 also the Grand Duke of Vladimir. Dmitry Ivanovich was from the Rurikovich family. He was called Donskoy after the victory of his troops in the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place near the Don River.

Russia has always been famous for its wise rulers, great generals and glorious defenders of the Fatherland. Dmitry Donskoy, depicted in the painting, combined all these qualities. He ruled in Russia for a relatively short time, but managed to achieve a lot. The Grand Duke at the head of the army bravely fought with the enemies, defending his lands. He United the scattered principalities. During his reign, the white-stone Moscow Kremlin was rebuilt instead of the burned wooden one and monastic churches were rebuilt.

Painting by Viktor Matorin Saint the Blessed Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy

On the map, we see a brave and courageous warrior in shining metal armor, covering his chest from enemy arrows. In his left hand, he holds a red cloak embroidered with precious stones around the edges. The right hand rests on the chest, symbolizing loyalty and devotion to his people. On the face you can read the determination, firmness and confidence in the correctness of their actions.

From the historical chronicles, we know that the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich lived only thirty-eight years. But the canvas shows a man much older than that age. Perhaps this artist wanted to emphasize the wisdom of this man. He has a long reddish moustache, a thick gray-streaked beard, and wavy dark brown hair that has also turned gray. His tanned, muscular face was already lined. His blond brows are slightly furrowed, and his brown eyes are hard. Despite this, he feels an inner kindness and sensitivity to people.

Dmitry Donskoy is depicted against the background of a blue sky with numerous clouds, white stone churches and the walls of the Kremlin. This is a view of Moscow of that era. We can see how the fortress walls and towers are being built. Below, near the Kremlin walls, you can see many boats on the Moskva River. On the embankment there is some activity: moving people, horse carts. Perhaps they bring building materials by horse and boat.

The image of Dmitry Donskoy turned out to be majestic, courageous and confident in the author. The hero of the canvas represents the power and strength of the spirit of the Russian people. Thanks to the artist, we can learn more about historical events and great people who lived before us on Russian soil.