Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova: biography, best films, husbands, photos, news

Ekaterina Klimova at the premiere of the film ” Icon of the Season “at the Illusion Theater Ekaterina Klimova at the premiere of the film”Icon of the Season “at the Illusion Theater.

Ekaterina Klimova today is one of the leading actresses of Russian cinema. Behind the shoulders of the artist, the main roles in the most successful domestic films and high-profile theatrical productions. She’s also a four-time mother, but she still looks stunning. It seems that luck is everywhere accompanied by Ekaterina Klimova.

The actress herself believes that her life is in many ways similar to the Brazilian TV series. They say that there are too many passions in it. Some episodes from the past Klimova still remembers with tears in his eyes.


Ekaterina Klimova was born on January 23, 1978 in the family of an artist and a housewife. In the family of the future artist, on the father’s side, there was a tabor gypsy, from whom Klimova inherited a dark skin tone.

At the time of her birth, her parents had their first daughter, Vika, growing up. Ekaterina and her older sister did not always live soul to soul. At times, they argued and even fought, but as they got older, their relationship improved. Nevertheless, the earliest memories of Ekaterina Klimova are associated with her older sister.

The actress recalls Vicky’s infatuations, her friends and how she took the girl for a walk. They went together to the pioneer camp, where the future actress felt much more comfortable than in school.

Ekaterina Klimova admits that she did not study well at school. She had a hard time with the exact sciences. Exams had to be passed with the help of chocolate bars and a good relationship with the teacher. According to the artist, she still does not like school, but on the contrary, she remembers the pioneer camp with warmth. In the summer, surrounded by her first audience, Catherine often took part in various productions. Then she realized that she wanted to be an actress.


In 2003, the TV series “Poor Nastya” was released, in which Ekaterina Klimova played Natasha Repina. The series was a success among viewers. It starred such actors as Elena Korikova, Dmitry Isaev and Pyotr Krasilov in the main roles. “Poor Nastya” was presented to Ekaterina Klimova the love of the audience and a lot of fans. However, this series was only the first step on the way to real success.

The next important stage in the creative biography of Ekaterina Klimova is the fantastic drama “We are from the Future”. In the story, a group of black diggers falls into the past, or rather in the midst of the Great Patriotic War. Friends who only yesterday spent days and nights on the Internet and walked with girls under a peaceful sky, in reality see the horrors of battles. One of them, Sergei Filatov, played by Danila Kozlovsky, falls in love with the nurse Nina, the character of Ekaterina.

From this moment begins the love story between a young man who in the XXI century earns a living by selling veteran awards and a girl from the distant past. The audience was imbued with the drama of the picture, seeing in it the connection of times, which the modern generation now and then risks forgetting.
So in the Russian show business, the star of Ekaterina Klimova was lit up. The artist has a lot of new projects ahead of her, many of which will be recognized by the audience. Among the most high-profile works of Klimova of those times are the films “Antikiller D. K.: Love without Memory”,”Mosgaz”,” Jackal ” and many other projects.

Ekaterina Klimova in 2021

Ekaterina still does not leave the TV screens. In 2020, the sequel to the detective series “Mosgaz”, as well as the adventure film “Artek: a great journey” about time travel, should be released. At the same time, Ekaterina Klimova attracts attention not only with her work in the cinema or theater.

Despite the demand among directors, the actress still finds time to be with the children. The last of her four: Elizabeth Khoroshilova, Matthew and Roots Petrenko and Bella Mesha. The actress jokes that when traveling with children, she always takes their birth certificates with her, because everyone has different surnames.

At the same time, fans are particularly interested in the personal life of Ekaterina Klimova, because she was married more than once. And her two husbands even got into a fight with each other.